open source
open discourse
open disco(german)
Dockingstation was a poetic-research construction-site on wheels. On one hand it was planed to be a dockingstation for different aspects of knowing and knowledge, on the other hand it was a pop-up place to discuss “place” as an aspect of knowledge generation. Seminars took place around the question, if a physical analogy for knowledge would be more like a path or an onion or a fluff. A fluff it was, so fluff-research was the following. Poetic similarity between fluffs and imaginations of solar systems where found.
The station itself was in a bricolage manner constructed like a fluff, new arrangements and spontaneous appearance where included in the design.
Co-Researchers: Moritz Kozerke, Dorothee Haller and various guests
Als grobes Forschungsvorhaben hatte wir die poetische Untersuchung des “Wissens” geplant.
Poetisch war für uns der Sammelbegriff für verbindenden Herangehensweisen eine Art Bricolage aus einer samplendes, interdisziplinäres und experimentelles Praxistheorie, künstlerischen Denken und naivem Bauen.
Als wichtige Begrifflichkeiten kursieren im Forschungsvorhaben die Flusenforschung, die Wissensverwirbelung, die Discowissenschaft und poetische Handgreiflichkeit.